Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Week 6 Recap

Week 6 marks the kinda halfway point in our season (13 games means 6 or 7 will have to be considered halfway).  I won't mince words and try to start getting cute with it right now, instead I'll jump directly into what matters.  Standings.

As of halfway(ish) through the  season these are the official standings,


1ST SEED: Valeriy Shishkin (5-1 990 PF)
2ND SEED: Jared Grube (4-2 800 PF)
3RD SEED: Daniel Smith (4-2 719 PF)
4TH SEED: Alex Gomez (3-3 857 PF) (1 GB)
5TH SEED: Jake Yorke (3-3 831 PF) (1 GB)
6TH SEED: Orest Yaslinskiy (3-3 729 PF) (1GB)
7TH SEED: Yuriy Yedinak (3-3 718 PF) (1 GB)
8TH SEED: Yaro Yaslinskiy (3-3 695 PF) (1 GB)
9TH SEED: Nic Meyer (3-3 689 PF) (2 GB)
10TH SEED: Andrew Gomez (2-4 687 PF) (3 GB)
11TH SEED: Oscar Meyer (2-4 658 PF) (2 GB)
12TH SEED: Matt Burke (1-5 774 PF) (4 GB)

Now only the top 6 make it, so the team to beat is Ory.  There's still 7 games left, so that's one more than we've played so far.  I'd say probably the worst record you can get in with is 7-6 or 8-5.  Matt, good luck dude.  You've got the PF to make a tie breaker though.  

Out of curiousity I'll list the PA in terms of most PA to least PA also.

1ST: Alex Gomez w/ 853 PA
2ND: Jake Yorke w/ 851 PA
3RD: Matt Burke w/ 850 PA
4TH: Val Shishkin w/ 768 PA
5TH: Ory Yaslinskiy w/ 765 PA
6TH: Oscar Meyer w/ 743 PA
7TH: Andrew Gomez w/ 742 PA
8TH: Nic Meyer w/ 734 PA
9TH: Yaro Yaslinskiy w/ 728 PA 
10TH: Daniel Smith w/ 725 PA
11TH: Jared Grube w/ 712 PA
12TH: Yuriy Yedinak w/ 676 PA

Odd, normally it's pretty inverse with the standings but in this case if you just flip Jared and Matt it is almost the same as the standings.  Anyway, Alex feel good about yourself despite losing to the better team, you've had a rough season.  Matt, again good luck dude. Try not to end up like your QB.




You know, it's one of those games where you feel like you have absolutely no chance of winning at all and yet somehow you also know there's no way you can lose.  That's how I feel when I come up against Alex, because Alex, there just isn't anyway I lose to you in an important game.  Much like you are the destroyer of the Yaslinskiy's I will be the destroyer of you.  Now sometimes I'll let you get a win to build up confidence, but when it counts, just know.

Anyway, to cut a story short, the real heroes were the two plug and plays Blake Bortles and the Miami D/ST.  Suh put a stomp on the throat of my opposition.

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